Social/dinner hour from 6 pm: talk starts 7 pm
Everybody welcome: no admission charge
No corkage charge if you buy your wine at the neighboring HASR liquor store
Cheap and easy (cash only) parking at the underground municipal garage at 11 N. Beretania
Exit ramp is directly opposite HASR Bistro
Department of Physics & Astronomy: UH Manoa
Dark matter is exciting because it links cosmology and elementary particle physics – the study of the Universe as a whole and the study of its fundamental building blocks. Dark matter constitutes the majority of mass in the Universe, but we do not yet understand it in a fundamental way. Dark matter may consist of new types of elementary particles, which were mass-produced in the early Universe, and survived until today. I will provide a gentle introduction to particle physics and dark matter, discuss how can we can experimentally test the particle-dark-matter hypothesis, and introduce my pet project to build a directional dark matter detector.
Sven Vahsen is an Associate Professor in the UH Department of Physics and Astronomy. He obtained his PhD in Physics from Princeton University, then worked on the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, and came to UH in 2010. He currently works on the Belle II particle accelerator experiment in Japan and develops new detectors of elementary particles.