Tuesday, September 18th, 2018

HASR Bistro

31 North Pauahi Street

Social/dinner hour from 6 pm: talk starts 7 pm

Everybody welcome: no admission charge

No corkage charge if you buy your wine at the neighboring HASR liquor store

Cheap and easy (cash only) parking at the underground municipal garage at 155 N Beretania

Exit ramp is directly opposite HASR Bistro



Dr. Chip Fletcher


Planning for Sea Level Rise on Oahu

Although a global revolution in power generation is taking place, it is too little and too late to meet the goals of the 2015 Paris Accord.

Because of rising global GDP, a projected demand for new energy over the next 2 decades means carbon dioxide emissions are likely to rise and the market share of fossil fuels to renewable sources will remain roughly the same. This constitutes a commitment to rising sea level that needs to be met with adaptation planning.

A recent report recommends adopting the area exposed to roughly 1 m of sea level as a special planning district. Modeling indicates this region will experience frequent high tide flooding before mid-century.

Chip Fletcher is Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in SOEST and member of the Honolulu Climate Change Commission.